Monday, March 14, 2011


"Elizabethtown" has a slight cheese factor, but the soundtrack is perfection.

My husband wears bike shorts when he goes biking. They are configured kind of like skin tight shorts with the world's tightest "suspenders" attached. They are called "bibs." Huh.

I keep having dreams about my old neighborhood; the peacock, the way it smelled after it rained, my old bus stop.

Daylight Savings Time has messed me up. I am still up, normally I'm asleep by 10:30pm, and I slept until 9, normally I get up around 7:30. ugh. Mandated clock changing? not cool.

I wish I could pull off a floppy red knit hat like Kirsten Dunst.

I was sent a surprise care package meant to inspire me:
-Godiva chocolates.
-a CD of a collaboration between Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane
-"Finding Forrestor" on DVD
-some cute, comfy shirts I can wear when I volunteer
-a note

It worked.

1 comment:

  1. this is my first time on the computer in almost a month, which is almost a year in no computer tim e. :) loved catching up on your blog! wish i could eat anything without gaining ten pounds. i'd love to look like you! and i do have high cholesterol. bummer. you may be a grown up, but i'm OLD! love you!
