Tuesday, August 31, 2010

yet another list.

I am having an early sushi dinner with my dear friend and bridesmaid K. I absolutely can't wait; the rumby in my tumbly is demanding a spicy tuna roll.

This is my last Tuesday in Pensacola as an unmarried woman. I am getting married in 32 days, and I can't wait!

I saw the pics from Future Husband's cousin D's wedding... D married the beautiful K over the weekend, and we so wish we could have gone! They are both wonderful people, the pictures of the wedding are beautiful, and we can't wait to see them at our own nuptials!

I have noticed a trend in my cooking lately. Everything is pasta involved... mostly because Future Husband is allergic to grocery shopping, and I haven't had much time for it lately. It's been pasta this, spaghetti that, and even an improvised lasagna... time to switch it up. Future Husband is especially fond of about ten recipes, and he could (and has) eaten those ten recipes around the clock for years. I, however, can't stand it any more, and I also can't abide by a constant barrage of gluey pasta. There must be another way... any thoughts?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another List.

1. I slept in until about 10am today. I know, I know, sleeping my day away and all that, but boy was it worth it.

2. I figured I might as well continue my "sleep in 'til ten" kind of day, so after working, I ran an errand... which turned into a jaunt to the book store to buy a book and a journal. Yes, a journal. So many people I have talked to have said that the few months before their wedding and after were a really magical, interesting, intense time and that keeping a journal is a great way to preserve all the feelings and thoughts around this crazy time. I have a long history of journalling, too, just ask my mom. As a little girl, I loved putting pen to paper so much that before I could even write, I would ask for a notebook, and on each line intently make loop after loop... I call it, "Primitive Cursive." At the time I really believed I was writing down my thoughts and feelings, which is the root of my firm belief that even if it makes no sense to any one else, journalling and self reflection is important.

3. I also bought the Da Vinci Code.... the book, not the movie. It is another firm belief of mine that while one should read things to expand the mind (I am currently also reading Vanity Faire by Thackeray), I also think it's important to enjoy "mental bubble gum" from time to time. Mental Bubble Gum is what we call, in my family, books that are usually fiction, amusing, and a good way to pass the time in airports or waiting rooms, but are usually lacking in substance, information, or the requirement of a dictionary nearby... fun for awhile, but lacking in substance.

4. My friend Amie (maid of honor extraordinaire and the cleverest person I know) is also taking a class at her University about Carribbean (sp?) Gothic Literature. As a lover of Southern Gothic Literature, I'm intrigued to see her reading list. I am well aware that this makes me a total nerd. But I'm also the same person who is in love with her kitchenaid. So there you have it.

5. A new episode of Top Chef is on tonight.... HURRAH! I am personally not too fond of this season, as it seems to be more about scandal, sniping, back stabbing, and other such unpleasantries more than it is FOOD. However, I have loved this show from Season 1, and a true fan is a fan even when the team (or show about chefs) isn't doing so well. *sigh* I am incredibly noble, aren't I? ;)

6. I leave home in 10 days, to spend a month in Michigan preparing for the wedding, and actually wedding-ing, then a week in the Keys for our honeymoon... and when I come back, I will be a Mrs., living with my Mr.... wow. Ten days? Wow.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A List

1. Did you know that breathing underwater via SCUBA is not relaxing? It is, in fact, terrifying, overwhelming, disconcerting, and twenty seven other adjectives that add up to SCARY. That is, when you are a type A, organized-within-an-inch-of-her-life control freak named Lucy. After a week's worth of book work, pool work, and a few horrible minutes in the Gulf, I can absolutely, definitely, most assuredly declare that I am not meant to breathe underwater. The end.

2. I fell in love. She's bold, intuitive, so sleek, and makes the most wonderful little whirring sound. Her name is Roxie, and she is my fire engine red Kitchenaid stand mixer given to me by the most wonderful maid of honor known to mankind. Roxie is the most beautiful piece of machinery I own. I made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with her help, and they turned out beautifully. I keep looking up recipes that call for mixing just to hear her little "whir." I swear she shines just a little brighter when I use her.

3. I know my relationship with my Kitchenaid is unhealthy. Roxie and I are okay with that.

4. 'Milli' introduced me to the Olay Definity foundation, and I am a changed woman. My skin looks bright and healthy, and NOT like I stayed up past midnight adding to my Wedding To-Do list and watching Real Houswives reruns... the stuff is miraculous.

5. The whole "I am moving in with Future Husband after the wedding" thing has really sunk in for me. Where is all my stuff going to go? Where am I going to put all my sweaters? Is there enough shelf space for all my books? Or will I just stack them in piles in corners and hope no one notices? My goodness. So much stuff to fit into a one bedroom apartment.

6. I also have to move my iTunes library from one laptop to another. I installed iTunes on the other laptop but that's as far as I can get. Any thoughts?

7. Can I just go on the honey moon now? Have someone bring me coffee in bed and leave me alone to read the newspaper? To wander around town and eat in fantastic local restaurants for each meal and not do dishes for a whole week. Please?

8. Please? Pleeeease?

Monday, August 9, 2010

"Stop the World and Let Me Off...

I'm tired of goin' round and round..."

Have you heard that Patsy Cline song? She gets me.

For the past year, I've felt like my life has been on Fast Forward... no pause, no slow-mo, and certainly no rewind. I leave for Wedding Location in less than a month, the wedding is in less than two, and I feel like things are just piling up. There are endless things to do for the wedding, and I feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything done. One would think I would look forward to sleeping each night too, since sleep is allegedly when my mind shuts off and lets me rest.

As we say in the South, "No, ma'am!"

Every night I have a different dream that leaves me even more tired than when I woke up. I dream that the baker delivered the wrong cake to the wedding reception, and I end up with a cake decorated for a Monster Truck driver convention. In another, my dress is way too big and I actually have to stuff myself with donuts the morning of the wedding in an effort to fit into it. Last night's dream involved a missing wedding dress, with the only thing to wear being my high school marching band uniform. Yep.

Suffice it to say, I am feeling like I'm going a mile a minute, and my once coveted "Me Time" is now just a dream.

On the other hand, I start scuba classes tonight. ... classes that will teach me how to swim around underwater, to breathe underwater... where no one can call with a chair-cover emergency... where no one can ask "can we add fourth-cousin-by-marriage-twice-removed-Cousin-Myrtle to the guest list?" because you can't really speak underwater... where the whole pace is slow and steady... and the whole point is to simply enjoy your time down there.

Sounds like, for just a couple of days a week for the next two weeks, I will gloriously get to stop the world and get off... even if it is just for a few minutes, or a few hours, underwater... which is perfect because I'm so tired of goin' round and round.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Florists and Scuba and Lists, Oh My!

Oh. My. Goodness.

I don't even have the energy to put together a mildly witty post about much of anything, and also a new episode of Top Chef is on, so here you go, people.

1. Thank you to everyone who organized, attended, sent gifts to, and otherwise participated in my three bridal showers. I had a fantastic time meeting some new people, getting to know people I've already had the pleasure of meeting, eating wonderful food, and being showered with endless generosity of spirit, and gifts. Future Husband is especially pleased with the "being showered with gifts" part. :)

2. I have begun packing to move, because once I depart for the Wedding Location in September, I will not return until post-wedding. Did you know that I have three times as many boxes of books than I do anything else? Including clothes? and this is after taking about 40 books to donate. Obsessed much?

3. I have made a list (yes, another list) of everything I need to do in the next month. Multiple Pages are involved. and I am already tired. help. me. someone fire up the coffee maker!

4. I am starting Scuba diving lessons next week. Part of me is a little intimidated. I'm always intimidated by trying something new. The other part of me is reassured knowing that this is the most laid-back sport ever. You are supposed to breathe slow, swim slow, relax, use the buddy system (like in summer camp)... SCORE. I liked summer camp. I can do this.

5. Does it make me wierd that I am not yet bridezilla? At least, I don't think I am...? So far I am very much, "okay, sure, let's figure it out" when things don't go my way regarding The Wedding. People are telling me that's wierd. Maybe I'm just too tired. or maybe it's because at the end of the day, I know everything will be wonderful-even if I don't have flame calla lillies in each centerpiece, even if I don't have time to make a seating chart and people get to sit with whomever (whoever? whosoever? whatever.) they want, even if the stripes in the frosting on the cake aren't perfectly straight.

6. I finally had my, as Oprah would say, "Aha!" moment about my wedding. The day Future Husband proposed was perfect. But between work, school, getting ready to move, etc., Wedding Planning had felt more like "planning just another event that happens to be my own wedding" than it has "Planning MY Wedidng!" ... until we met with the pianist. Something happened. She was playing a few different song options for the Prelude and Processional... and then she landed on "The One." The perfect song, the one that I AM WALKING DOWN THE AISLE TO. and it all just became so real for me in that moment; it was like my own wedding walked up and smacked me in the face, yelling "LIFETIME COMMITMENT, WEDDING RINGS, REST OF YOUR LIFE, I DO!" I know this all sounds like a very aggressive experience, and it was. But in the best possible way. All along I didn't feel connected to my own wedding, and then BAM. All at once. I choked up, my eyes welled up, my breath caught in my chest, my head spun, and I saw myself walking down the aisle, to that song, in my dress, towards Future Husband, and forever. I think people may have been asking my questions, but I had to take a moment and collect myself before I could speak. My own wedding made me speechless. Since then, I am still just as busy and tired, but I feel fully immersed in my own wedding, I am embracing my wedding planning experience, and I can't wait!

7. In cleaning out stuff and packing, I found my brownie girl scout vest, and I can't believe I was ever that small. or motivated to sell cookies.

8. now I kind of want some cookies.

9. can I pay someone to bring me some cookies? like boomchunkas from Cherry Republic? please?

10. I think what I need most right now is a walk down the street I lived on in Maryland in crisp autumn weather, wearing a comfy coat, and then get to watch the sun set while swinging at the playground across the street from my old house. The house was on a big hill in a row with other houses, and I always felt like if I listened hard enough, I could hear the cheers at the football games at the local high school, and that since we lived at the top of the hill, that we were closest to the sky and got to see the airplanes flying overhead just a little more clearly than anyone else.

That sounds perfect.

and a cookie.