Thursday, August 18, 2011

California is Wierd

petitioners outside of every grocery store. every entrance and exit at grocery stores. can't buy groceries without being asked to sign petitions for PETA, ASPCA, and a million other acronyms.

random young men approaching me at the gas station, asking me to give them money for their bootleg rap CD with an explicit title scrawled across the disc in sharpie.

it is constantly cloudy and gloomy every morning, until noon, and then suddenly gets sunny.

being called "miss" instead of "ma'am."

it never rains.

Korea town, China town, Little India, and Little Italy are each within ten minutes from my house.

People here are very cool. Raybans. Extensive knowledge of indie films. iPads. Skateboarding. Fedoras. I don't have any of those things.

there are very pretty spots to sit and read in the most unexpected places.

Monday, August 15, 2011

More House Rules

Be kind.

Don't forget to feed the fish.

Movie commentary during bad horror movies, terrible 80s flicks, and cheesy 90s action movies is a must.

Commentary during "Real Housewives of New Jersey," however, is strictly forbidden.

No mushrooms on the pizza. Or the pasta. Or anything else, for that matter.

Write to your Grandma every week. Whether or not they write you back.

Clean, dry laundry can hang out in the dryer for as long as it takes. Wet laundry, however, can not linger in the washing machine. Ever. It's stinky and moldy and wierd.

Call your parents on their birthdays. Every time. and send presents EARLY. They gave you life; remembering their birthdays isn't too much to ask.

Say "Please" and "Thank You" every time. No matter what.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Things I Could Do Without

1. upstairs neighbors who vacuum early on the weekends
2. people who litter
3. anything Kardashian-related
4. anything Snooki-related
5. upstairs neighbors who jump rope in their apartment in the morning on the weekends
6. early morning migraines
7. Del Taco restaurants on every corner
8. Chuck Norris jokes
9. mushrooms
10. The 163 shutting down at random intervals during the weeks

Thursday, August 11, 2011

House Rules

always say please and thank you.

never return library books after their due date. EVER.

don't beat yourself up if you didn't work out today. or yesterday. just do better tomorrow.

but maybe you shouldn't have a pound of cookie dough for dinner...

there is no talking during "Pretty Little Liars."

don't hold a grudge; just say you're sorry and get it over with.

no gossip or smacktalk, especially about family. Live and let live, and love your family. You only get one.

no whining. seriously. ever.

be thankful. when you're about to whine, or yell at someone who "stole" your parking spot, or say something terrible in an argument that you know you'll regret later--just shut up and count your blessings.

Monday, August 8, 2011


my new pot of dahlias on my porch
Meryl Streep
tote bags
homemade lemonade
school supplies
"Don't you just love New York in the fall? Doesn't it make you want to buy school supplies? If I knew who you were, I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils."

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I am thankful for

my husband's cast coming off in 2 weeks
Nurse Jackie on DVD
sunshine on my porch
my cute new tote
an almost-completed To Do list
a happy husband in cute pajama pants