Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another List.

1. I slept in until about 10am today. I know, I know, sleeping my day away and all that, but boy was it worth it.

2. I figured I might as well continue my "sleep in 'til ten" kind of day, so after working, I ran an errand... which turned into a jaunt to the book store to buy a book and a journal. Yes, a journal. So many people I have talked to have said that the few months before their wedding and after were a really magical, interesting, intense time and that keeping a journal is a great way to preserve all the feelings and thoughts around this crazy time. I have a long history of journalling, too, just ask my mom. As a little girl, I loved putting pen to paper so much that before I could even write, I would ask for a notebook, and on each line intently make loop after loop... I call it, "Primitive Cursive." At the time I really believed I was writing down my thoughts and feelings, which is the root of my firm belief that even if it makes no sense to any one else, journalling and self reflection is important.

3. I also bought the Da Vinci Code.... the book, not the movie. It is another firm belief of mine that while one should read things to expand the mind (I am currently also reading Vanity Faire by Thackeray), I also think it's important to enjoy "mental bubble gum" from time to time. Mental Bubble Gum is what we call, in my family, books that are usually fiction, amusing, and a good way to pass the time in airports or waiting rooms, but are usually lacking in substance, information, or the requirement of a dictionary nearby... fun for awhile, but lacking in substance.

4. My friend Amie (maid of honor extraordinaire and the cleverest person I know) is also taking a class at her University about Carribbean (sp?) Gothic Literature. As a lover of Southern Gothic Literature, I'm intrigued to see her reading list. I am well aware that this makes me a total nerd. But I'm also the same person who is in love with her kitchenaid. So there you have it.

5. A new episode of Top Chef is on tonight.... HURRAH! I am personally not too fond of this season, as it seems to be more about scandal, sniping, back stabbing, and other such unpleasantries more than it is FOOD. However, I have loved this show from Season 1, and a true fan is a fan even when the team (or show about chefs) isn't doing so well. *sigh* I am incredibly noble, aren't I? ;)

6. I leave home in 10 days, to spend a month in Michigan preparing for the wedding, and actually wedding-ing, then a week in the Keys for our honeymoon... and when I come back, I will be a Mrs., living with my Mr.... wow. Ten days? Wow.

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