Friday, June 4, 2010

Learning Lessons in Thankfulness...

As often happens when my plans are foiled, my hair is frizzy, I forget to make time to eat breakfast (and lunch), I was in a fairly surly mood one day this past week. Not much was going my way and I was feeling particularly sorry for myself...and then, a song got into my head. and I couldn't get it out. It turned my mood around, made me smile, and helped me stop and count my blessings... and it is sung by a delightful little Asparagus. That's right, Asparagus.

In one of the countless Veggie Tales videos I have seen in my lifetime, there is a song that Junior Asparagus sings about thankfulness, and the verse I always get stuck in my head is as follows:

"I thank God for this day, for the sun in the sky, for my mom and my dad, and my piece of apple pie...for our home on the ground, for His love that's all around, that's why I saw thanks everyday."

Yep. That's right. Right in the middle of my pity-party I was so enthusiastically throwing for myself, I was put in my place. By a fictional singing asparagus.

So now, whenever I'm starting to feel whiney, I just think to myself, "I thank God for this day, for the sun in the sky..."

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