Tuesday, February 15, 2011


1. I went to the library and checked out Howl and Other Poems by Ginsberg. My best friend tells me it is a must-read. So it is sitting there... on the coffee table... waiting to be read... Okay, I'm avoiding it because I have never liked poetry... maybe once I'm done with the laundrey.

2. The library here is great, and everyone who works there is so nice. That is why I got a "volunteer application." So I can volunteer there. In the great library, with the nice people.

3. Last night, I had a dream that I was standing in my kitchen, and the locks on my front door kept being unlocked, and then re-locked, and I was really scared. I don't know who I was asking, but I asked someone what was going on, and they said that people were practicing breaking into my apartment to steal my things. I thought about it for a second, decided that it was still scary but that there wasn't much I could do about it, and then woke up.

4. I have no idea what that dream meant, why I just let people practice breaking into my home, why I didn't call my husband or the police or someone, or why I was so lazy about the whole thing. Hmph. What would Freud say about this?

5. I'm going to read some poetry now. *sigh*

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