Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not a List...

But sort of a conversation. He will kill me for this, but I just have to share... my husband talks in his sleep. Often. Usually he just makes nonsensical statements, but this time we had a conversation. and it. was. hilarious. at last, I think it was. and that's what really counts.

Husband (mumbling): "What day is it?"

Me: "Tuesday."

Husband (still mumbling, but irritated this time): "No , it isn't."

Me (amused that he is arguing with me about this): "Yeah, it is, sweetheart."

Husband (eyebrows furrowed now): "What day is tomorrow?"

Me (hoping that by answering this question, I won't be breaking his little sleeping heart.): "Wednesday. Wednesdays usually follow Tuesdays."

Husband (disappointed): "That sucks."

Me (confused as to why this is disappointing, but now feeling oddly sympathetic towards his plight): "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Why don't you like Wednesdays?"

Husband (clearly exhausted by this exchange): "Because they suck."

End Scene.


  1. I've had conversations like this with your husband...it brings back good memories and makes me laugh!

  2. he has not been talking in his sleep any more but apparently I have. lol no conversations yet but we'll see.
