Saturday, February 26, 2011


Salmon avocado roll


gigantic latte

newspaper, mostly for the comic section

make a dinner that does not involve; boxed mac 'n' cheese, leftovers, cereal, etc.

attempt crossword; do not get mad when I only fill in twenty of the seven-zillion clues

hope that the upstairs neighbors do not choose to yet again watch a very loud action movie late at night.

resist buying lay's potato chips, despite their tempting deliciousness.

perhaps use full sentences. but no promises.

sounds like a good day to me!

Too sleepy for full sentences

checked out short story and poetry collections from the library in order to expand my horizons...

instead have been reading Bridget Jones' Diary...

which I know is basically intellectually substance-free, but clever. and am enjoying British slang.

got my hair cut 2 days ago. husband has not noticed.

doesn't bother me. admitedly got it cut for the relaxing shampoo. barely looks different. but the shampoo was nice.

made oven fries. slightly healthier but just not the same. *sigh*

reminds me of the time i tried to make "oven baked salt and vinegar chips." waste of time. should have bought lays.

looking forward to Sunday routine: church, starbucks, newspaper. might have to pick up some lays.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Things I Love

that don't love me back. It's complicated.

1. Lays Salt and Vinegar Chips... so salty... so vinegary... so addictive...

2. The Real Housewives of New York. They're catty, mean, superficial, and all-around bad examples of how to behave... but so much fun to watch.

3. Everybody Loves Raymond on DVD... I can (and have) spent a day on the couch with some Salt and Vinegar chips and Raymond, watching episode after episode, accomplishing nothing.

4. ramen noodles. salty. noodly. 3 minutes of cooking time. they leave me thirsty and bloated, but I just can't stop myself.

5. Coffee at all hours of the day... not such a great idea when it's 7 pm and I have to be up early for church. Or to watch the Real Housewives marathon. Either way.

Why is it that the things we love usually aren't so good for us? Sigh.

Time for some more chips.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Things that made me smile today

Arriving at my Dr.'s appointment 30 minutes early, and being seen right away.

My husband making me spaghetti with sauce for lunch.

an awesome talk with my mom.

the cute little boy I saw in my apartment building... he was in his mom's arms, and he looked at me and waved, and said, "Hey, this is my mom!" What a cutie.

My surprise Valentine's bouquet on my kitchen counter.

Sorting through wedding photos I want to order...and coming across the shot of my now-husband's face when he first saw me walking down the aisle.

President's Day sales on furniture to make our apartment more homey...

Cool weather and sunny skies.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not a List...

But sort of a conversation. He will kill me for this, but I just have to share... my husband talks in his sleep. Often. Usually he just makes nonsensical statements, but this time we had a conversation. and it. was. hilarious. at last, I think it was. and that's what really counts.

Husband (mumbling): "What day is it?"

Me: "Tuesday."

Husband (still mumbling, but irritated this time): "No , it isn't."

Me (amused that he is arguing with me about this): "Yeah, it is, sweetheart."

Husband (eyebrows furrowed now): "What day is tomorrow?"

Me (hoping that by answering this question, I won't be breaking his little sleeping heart.): "Wednesday. Wednesdays usually follow Tuesdays."

Husband (disappointed): "That sucks."

Me (confused as to why this is disappointing, but now feeling oddly sympathetic towards his plight): "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Why don't you like Wednesdays?"

Husband (clearly exhausted by this exchange): "Because they suck."

End Scene.


1. I went to the library and checked out Howl and Other Poems by Ginsberg. My best friend tells me it is a must-read. So it is sitting there... on the coffee table... waiting to be read... Okay, I'm avoiding it because I have never liked poetry... maybe once I'm done with the laundrey.

2. The library here is great, and everyone who works there is so nice. That is why I got a "volunteer application." So I can volunteer there. In the great library, with the nice people.

3. Last night, I had a dream that I was standing in my kitchen, and the locks on my front door kept being unlocked, and then re-locked, and I was really scared. I don't know who I was asking, but I asked someone what was going on, and they said that people were practicing breaking into my apartment to steal my things. I thought about it for a second, decided that it was still scary but that there wasn't much I could do about it, and then woke up.

4. I have no idea what that dream meant, why I just let people practice breaking into my home, why I didn't call my husband or the police or someone, or why I was so lazy about the whole thing. Hmph. What would Freud say about this?

5. I'm going to read some poetry now. *sigh*

Monday, February 14, 2011

My New Town

1. I live in California now.

2. I have heard more than one person use the word "stoked."

3. The weather is constantly pleasant-sunny, temperate, and slightly breezy.

4. I miss cold, rainy days. They are the perfect days for watching black and white movies, reading good books, and eating soup.

5. The used book store in my neighborhood is the reason I have broken one of my New Years Resolutions. So far it has only cost me $5. and my pride. But still; great books for only $5? Can you really blame me?

6. I know. You're supposed to own up to it when you break your resolutions and vow to do better...not blame a building a few blocks away that was there before you moved into the neighborhood and just sits there, innocently, holding all of its unbelievably low-priced like-new books.

7. I'm doing it again, I know. I'm sorry, book store. It's not your fault. I have no will power. I was also supposed to go running 5 days a week and cut back on the caffeine... yeah.

8. There is a four-hour time difference between where I live and where my best friend lives. I thought she texted me at what was 10 pm my time... and so I texted her back a few minutes later... woops. Sorry, best friend.

9. Tomorrow, I am going to the library. Hopefully they need volunteers. Or maybe someone to work there. That would be great. It would get me away from the used book store, at least.

10. I really need a latte.