Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Things I Like About Heidi

She likes baking more than I do... and is "morally opposed" to secret recipes. Excellent combination.

she always offers encouragement when I most need it.

she makes chocolate chip cookies with coffee in them. seriously.

best sense of humor. EVER.

best marriage advice. EVER.

she really loves her husband. like, REALLY loves. so great to see a married couple who isn't afraid to spread the love!

her three girls are pretty much the most adorable, hilarious, spunky little girls I've ever met.

their mom is pretty much the most fabulous, hilarious, spunky girl I've ever met. :)

1 comment:

  1. this is the nicest thing i've ever read. i am so humbled that you wrote this about me! i love YOU, too! just the perfect medicine for me today although it extended my cry fest for a few more minutes. hugs to you!!
