Monday, August 9, 2010

"Stop the World and Let Me Off...

I'm tired of goin' round and round..."

Have you heard that Patsy Cline song? She gets me.

For the past year, I've felt like my life has been on Fast Forward... no pause, no slow-mo, and certainly no rewind. I leave for Wedding Location in less than a month, the wedding is in less than two, and I feel like things are just piling up. There are endless things to do for the wedding, and I feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything done. One would think I would look forward to sleeping each night too, since sleep is allegedly when my mind shuts off and lets me rest.

As we say in the South, "No, ma'am!"

Every night I have a different dream that leaves me even more tired than when I woke up. I dream that the baker delivered the wrong cake to the wedding reception, and I end up with a cake decorated for a Monster Truck driver convention. In another, my dress is way too big and I actually have to stuff myself with donuts the morning of the wedding in an effort to fit into it. Last night's dream involved a missing wedding dress, with the only thing to wear being my high school marching band uniform. Yep.

Suffice it to say, I am feeling like I'm going a mile a minute, and my once coveted "Me Time" is now just a dream.

On the other hand, I start scuba classes tonight. ... classes that will teach me how to swim around underwater, to breathe underwater... where no one can call with a chair-cover emergency... where no one can ask "can we add fourth-cousin-by-marriage-twice-removed-Cousin-Myrtle to the guest list?" because you can't really speak underwater... where the whole pace is slow and steady... and the whole point is to simply enjoy your time down there.

Sounds like, for just a couple of days a week for the next two weeks, I will gloriously get to stop the world and get off... even if it is just for a few minutes, or a few hours, underwater... which is perfect because I'm so tired of goin' round and round.

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