Dear red Target sneakers, thanks for being adorable, comfortable, and only $12.
Dear golf lesson, thanks for going well. I really chipping, and apparently my short game is my advantage. This might be my instructor's way of nicely saying that I stink with my driver, but that's okay with me.
Dear mums and herbs on the porch, I am so sorry I forgot to water you yesterday. Thanks for hanging in there. You are living proof that when I actually remember to water and prune, I can keep plants alive like a normal, well-adjusted adult.
Dear litterer, you keep dumping trash into the parking spot next my my car. I'm not sure why, since there are plenty of trash cans and recycling bins in the mail room a short walk away. You are being yucky and lazy, but since I don't know who you are, I will keep being the grown-up and picking up after you.
Dear world, do any actual adults use the word "grown-up" any more? Let me know.
Dear Sprinkles, your chocolate marshmallow and salted caramel cupcakes are heavenly. and so, so rich. and so, so expensive. Thank you for the moments of bliss, but I also thank you for being just far enough away that there will be no, "oh, well, I'm only 5 minutes away from Sprinkles, so I might as well just stop in a get a dozen cupcakes." That would be madness.
Dear Weekly Game Night, you're pretty awesome and I'm glad I invented you. good food, good friends, hilarious games, and giggling girls rolling their eyes at the boys rolling their eyes back at the giggling girls. So fun! I hope you stick around.